Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Video Editing Project

1. Record audio of 10 complaints (could be anything)
2. Upload audio onto computer
3. Use program to cut video into 10 separate clips
4. Share clips with everyone
5. Edit clips from other people to create a new sequence of complaints

My Complaints:
     I decided for my recording that I did not want to use my own voice or show myself. To solve this problem I used a text to speech program to say my complaints (the robot who reads my text is named Anna). My complaints are very girly complaints that you may hear a "girly-girl" saying, but these don't necessarily represent me.  To compliment the girly theme I found a YouTube video called "How to be a Girly Girl" and recorded my audio with the video playing. It's funny to watch the teenage girls and hear the robot voice (noticing the mouth movement definitely doesn't match the audio).

Complaint Mashup:

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