Monday, October 8, 2012

20 Image Autobiography

1. Choose 20 images from Flickr that you are drawn to
2. Create a PowerPoint autobiography using these 20 images


I was born in 1992 when shortly after fireworks across the country welcomed me into the world.

I grew up in a medium sized family in West Seattle where I learned the ABCs of growing up from my way cool older sister who taught me that being rebellious was how to get places in life.

Although I appreciated her wise teachings, we proved to be very different and I tended to be more docile growing up.

Some things I have always loved doing are playing soccer, snowboarding, and traveling.

In high school I was lucky enough to travel to Scandinavia where I played soccer for 3 weeks.

The boys over there start caring about their hair at a very young age.

This trip is important to me because I got to learn about new cultures, meet people from all over the world, and appreciate coming home to the states.

This past year I also got to travel to Hawaii for the first time. After recovering from my boyfriend flipping our kayak, I enjoyed the many colorful birds and fish as we journeyed to Captain Cook's monument.

I try to be adventurous in my life, however I've always been envious of how relaxing it must be to be a cat: sleep...get pet...go back to sleep...get pets while

Last year a rescued a kitten from Ellensburg and brought him home. He is a great little companion.

Although I've grown up having cats as pets, I always tried to convince my parents to let us have a dog. How can you say no to those puppy eyes? 

I guess in life you can't always have what you want unless it's cotton candy because that is one of my favorites.

I have tried many times to emulate the cotton candy colored sunsets in my paintings, but haven't gotten it quite right yet.

One of my favorite things to paint is representational abstracts.

After watching the show Cake Boss for a whole summer I did consider using my art skills to become a cake decorator.

Right now I'm kind of on the wire about what I want to do after college.

I decided to come to UW because I knew there would be many windows of opportunity for me here.

I love the UW campus because I am inspired by nature in many aspects of my art. I feel fortunate to be able to walk to class and see trees, mountains, and the water.

A funny experience I had while walking to class one time was seeing a bird harassing a squirrel in the bushes for food.

In a couple of years I will have to say goodbye to college, but I am hopeful for what my future holds.

After Thoughts:
      I expected the autobiography to be easier than it was. I figured since the story was about my life and I chose the pictures, I'd have no trouble putting a short bio together. I found myself staring at the pictures trying to decide what I wanted to share with the class. I realized that I began to include a lot of information about art and I'm assuming I did this because it was for an art class. It was enjoyable to see things people had in common and how creative each autobiography was.

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