Thursday, October 11, 2012

Postcard Project: Parts 1 & 2

1. Go around UW campus and take pictures of places you find personal and meaningful to you
2. Choose two best images
3. In your group select one image to be the postcard printed (my group: Blaine, Cassaundra, and myself)
4. Use postcard in selected project (i.e. Send postcard to someone you love, send postcard to art school closing in Greece, etc.)

My two images:

Parnassus Cafe

Bench on walkway by Guggenheim Hall
      I chose these two locations because they are places where I have gone in the past to meet up with friends, catch up on some homework, or grab a bite to eat. Parnassus Cafe provides a cozy environment where you can buy a coffee or snack and sit to do homework or talk with friends. It's fun to hear all of the art students talking about their projects. The bench by Guggenheim Hall has a good view of the fountain, but is just set off the busy pathway so it's usually a peaceful place to sit.

Group selected image:

Tree in UW medicinal Garden (image by Blaine)
    We chose Blaine's image as a group for our postcard because we liked the perspective of looking up the trunk and through the branches. One of the aspects about UW is that there is nature all around campus and sometimes it's nice to find a spot in the grass or under a tree to rest and do homework.

    Each group chose an image to be the front of the postcard. As a class we decided not to have any text on the front and on the back included the text "University of Washington Students of Social Practices in Art" as well as a QR code giving the unique location of each image on campus. As a class we also had to decide how we were going to use the postcards and how we wanted to print them (we decided to have them printed professionally using money from our budget).

After thoughts:
     This project was fun and challenging. It really made the class work together to come up with a single idea of formatting and within the individual groups we had to compromise on one image out of six possible choices. It was fun going around campus to take the pictures and to see where other people felt their personal space was and how they wanted to portray it. I'm looking forward to the last part of the project when we get to use the postcards.

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