Thursday, October 11, 2012

Communities Project: First Ideas

1. Think of a project that will help build/bring together the IVA community

My Ideas:

General concept - create an ever-growing masterpiece that IVA students add to throughout the year

. Throughout the school year, IVA students who choose to participate will create a work of art (i.e. painting, sculpture, photograph, etc.) out of a tangible medium of choice.

. In the designated space, such as a gallery in the School of Art or a classroom in the building, IVA students will bring in their piece of work and attach it to pieces that have already been created and placed as part of the every-growing masterpiece.

. After adding the piece of art to the collection, each artist would sign the ever-growing masterpiece in a designated area.

. At the end of the year there will be an event for IVA students to come together and view the final masterpiece created by the collaboration of all the works of art brought in through the year. Students can bring home their work or trade with fellow artists.

* Creating a collaborative piece will help create a sense of community in the IVA major because of everyone being able to participate towards a common thing (the growing masterpiece). At the end of the year when the piece is viewed, everyone can see who contributed and meet the fellow artists.

. Photographing the masterpiece monthly and at the end of the year to capture the final piece. 

. Finding a space where IVA students can start placing their art to build the masterpiece
. Designing the space to be able to display all the pieces of art

. Sending out information to IVA students about the project (fliers, emails, class announcements)
. Making sure the space is going to be secure for students to leave their work
. Need people to participate and provide their art

Potential Outcomes:
.It's possible that only a few people will participate and the ever-growing masterpiece will be very small by the end of the year
.Hopefully a lot of people will participate and a giant installation of individual art will showcase the talent in the major
.This project may combine with another project and become something a little different
     -Could combine with Tiran's idea of having a space created for IVA students to hang out and relax
     -Could combine with Lauren's idea of decorating this IVA space with the art made by IVA students
          *This would create a more individual perspective of the art instead of a big collaborated piece, but it would be an easier format of displaying the art and may be more appropriate for the space we are creating for the IVA students

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