Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Communities Project: New Ideas

     The ever-growing masterpiece idea started to look unrealistic when considering the space and time limitations on this project. It would be necessary to have a space all year long in order to allow all IVA students to display pieces and there would be a constant need of providing information to remind students that this piece existed. However, I think my idea fits well with the idea of having an IVA gallery using room 207 in the art building. This way IVA students are still coming together to display their art and can view it as a community.

Ideas for display:

.I think it'd be nice to display the 2D art in a salon style. This would still create the effect of having all the pieces represent one larger piece because the entire wall would be covered with 2D art. This style of hanging would also prevent the viewer's eyes from focusing on just one piece, but allow them to see all the pieces as a whole.

.3D work can be displayed on pedestals set in front of the display walls as Lauren depicted in her room layout on the go-post

.Any video projections can be displayed against the wall with windows (we can tape a large sheet of white paper in one section to create a solid background)

.Music pieces can be played over speakers using laptops or iPods

*In order for people to get to know the artists better there should be a non formal artist statement with every piece that provides fun and interesting information about the artist. There can also be a guest book where viewers and artists can provide contact information and say which piece was their favorite (possible prize for piece with most votes)

*T-shirt design project may also be in action this evening


.Announcement of this event will be made at the reception on 10/22
.Fliers will be handed out in classrooms and posted
.Art needs to be turned in by IVA students to room 207 on 10/29 or 10/31 from 2:30-6 p.m.
.Gallery opening will be 11/5
     -Food, refreshments, music

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