Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Art Intervention Project

Intervention: To disrupt the usual

1. Go back into the area you mapped
2. Find a pattern to disrupt

My Intervention:
For my intervention I wanted to focus on the way people move through the space without interacting with each other or really expressing emotion on their face. To disrupt this pattern I brought my friend and her puppy, Kingsley, with me to the fountain to brighten people's days. At first we sat on a bench and allowed people to interact with Kingsley freely and observed many people smiling as they passed by and saw the puppy. Then we moved to the edge of the fountain and began asking people passing by if they would take a picture of us until we did a 360 around the fountain and had 8 significant backgrounds.

Everyone was more than happy to take a picture of us in front of the fountain and most people took two or more to make sure there was a good shot. I started the project by only asking people who came up to pet Kingsley, but after the crowd died down a little I had to reach out to people who weren't necessarily interested in the puppy. Some of the reactions I had with Kingsley at the fountain were:

.Interest in what kind of dog Kingsley is
.Desire to share information about their own dogs
.Tempted to be late to class in order to pet Kingsley longer
.Jumping out of the way out of fear of Kingsley
.Grateful for being able to pet him
.Overhearing that people thought he was cute, but who never came to pet him
.Noticing people with big smiles as they approached us and walked by

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